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Category Archives: FaerieWorlds Harvest Sept. 17

The autumn edition of FaerieWorlds was a most exceptional festival.  We had a very fine day to perform and observe.  Everyone was in a grand mood.  We listened to some very good performers who entertained crowds of folks.

I put on some interesting majic shows while Heidi, my newly acquired companion made good use of my balloon pump.

Here is what Heidi had to say about FaerieWorld,

“FaerieWorlds is a wonderful festival that I had the supreme pleasure of participating in. The folk were friendly, and very colorful, characters.
The children were all very interested in Neverland, and of course the Proff. Laffmoore who enchanted them with majic and free balloons 🙂 and the young ones weren’t the only ones interested either!”

(You can read this in “comments” as well.)