Faerieworlds 2011
Wow. What a bash? Not near the crowd that I anticipated, but everyone had a good time at Faerieworlds.
Wet. Very wet on Saturday due to the rain that fell on and off most all day. The day started out overcast and it turned to rain as the morning progressed. Most of the campers entered from the camp areas as the sun began to rise, and they continued to enter the main stage area until 11:00 O’clock or so. Some were damp and others were dry, but they all came with high expectations for a fun and entertaining day.
Russ and I set-up around 10:30 under the wishing tree where I was sure the children would congregate. And sure enough they came. Most of the children were accompanied by their parents, or another older adult. I began blowing up balloons as the young ones arrived. (Actually my able bodied assistant Russ ran the air pump. Russ attended most all the festivals with me this year. He got good and soaked on this day.)
The most appreciation for my balloon give-a-way was voiced by several mothers who had obviously been camping out overnight and had just gotten up and entered the festival area with their children. Several comments were made as to how much they appreciate I was there to entertain their kids with free balloons. The kids loved them and so did the folks.
As the children ran and played with their balloons I was able to attracted the attention of several of the more mature people with some of my famous street majic.
I was able to create a dance mood for one young couple who agreed to be hypnotized, and they loved it. They kept coming back for more.